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Sanjeev Nanda Hospitality Experience Shared by Martin

· sanjeev-nanda-dubai,sanjeev-nanda

Martin A, a frequent traveler to Indian cities, shared his experience on TripAdvisor in a meeting with Sanjeev Nanda and his hospitality.


Let See What He Said:

"During my stay at the hotel on 23 March, a man in the lobby came up to me and waved at me, posing as Sanjeev Nanda, he was unknown to me. I replied with my name that I am Martin.They asked me about their experience of their stay at the hotel and if anyone wants to review they can consider it to improve. Ah, I thought he was an employee of the hotel sales team, but when the waiter who was in service told me about the person, Sir, he is the owner of this hotel, Sanjeev Nanda.I was very surprised if the owner of a large property was such a polite and entertaining guest. "

